We strive to provide high-quality, 负担得起的, family-friendly benefit offerings to meet the needs of our diverse workforce. We are also committed to providing excellent customer service and resources to help employees and their families best utilize these valuable benefit programs.


Tuition/Education Benefits

The tuition benefit provides full-time employees and their spouse the opportunity to advance their education by taking undergraduate courses at 浩博体育app after one year of service. The tuition benefit also provides support for eligible dependent children of full-time employees to advance their education toward earning a first bachelor’s degree through tuition remission at 浩博体育app, the Tuition Exchange program or the ELCA Tuition Exchange with another college or university after three years of service. Part-time benefits-eligible employees are eligible for some prorated tuition benefits.


旅行援助 is available when employees travel more than 100 miles from home or internationally for up to 180 days for business or pleasure. It offers aid before and during the trip including:

  • 护照, 签证, weather and currency exchange information, health hazards advice and inoculation requirements;
  • Emergency ticket, credit card and passport replacement, funds transfer and missing baggage;
  • 24/7/365 phone access to registered nurses for health and medication information, 症状决策支持, and help understanding treatment options;
  • Emergency evacuation to the nearest adequate medical facility and medically necessary repatriation to the employee’s home, including repatriation of remains;
  • Connection to medical care providers, 翻译服务, 当地律师, consular office or bail bond services;
  • Return travel companion if travel is disrupted due to emergency transportation services or return dependent children if left unattended due to prolonged hospitalization;
  • Logistical arrangements for ground transportation, housing and/or evacuation in the event of political unrest and social instability; for more complex situations, assists with making arrangements with providers of specialized security services.

Contact 旅行援助 at 800-527-0218 在美国.S.加拿大,波多黎各,美国.S. Virgin Islands and Bermuda. 在其他地方, +1-410-453-6330. 参考小组#9061



浩博体育app is making saving for retirement under our 403(b) plan easy by offering an Automatic Enrollment feature for new benefits-eligible employees. New benefits-eligible employees will be automatically enrolled with a 5% employee contribution 30 days after their hire date. If an employee wishes to opt out of the automatic enrollment, they may must do so within the 30-day period by making a salary deferral election.

After 12 months of eligible service, employees contributing 5% of their salary will receive a University contribution of 9%. Employees contributing less than 5% will receive a contribution of 2% after meeting the service requirement.

Prior service at an educational institution will count toward the 12 month waiting period. Participation in an existing TIAA account will waive the waiting period.

学生 employees and non-benefits-eligible employees are excluded from participating in the university’s retirement plan.


Planning for retirement is not something you think about once and then forget about it until you approach retirement age. You should take advantage of the many resources provided by the university and by TIAA. The TIAA website provides tools and calculators, live webinars and a variety of publications to provide you with the information you are seeking.


In addition to the online resources, Susquehanna has a representative from TIAA on campus nearly every month to meet with employees one-on-one. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, you can go to tiaa.org 或打电话 800-732-8353 寻求日程安排方面的帮助.